Friday, December 6, 2013

In a nation without cricketers...

One of my many passions is sport. In school I was the captain of the volleyball team, point guard on the basketball team, defender in soccer, second base in softball, and always ready for tennis. 

I am a huge...HUGE football fan...and when I say 'football' I mean actual football, what part of the world calls soccer. I am not a fan, at all, of American football. I respect the players for being talented athletes, because they are, it's just not my cup of tea.

I’ve been a Newcastle United fan for as long as I can remember. I know, I know, I hear the suppressed laughter out there, but I love the team. And when you’re a Geordie through and through, you don’t stop supporting a team due to them not having the winning streak, of say, Chelsea.

Apart from football (soccer), I’m fascinated by cricket. I know some...and I stress SOME...of the rules, and watch it whenever I can. Which is hard to do, considering that the odds of a cricket match being aired in the US is slim to none. The main thing I’ve not grasped yet, and haven’t found anyone willing to explain to me, is how it is scored.

I would love to sit down with someone who is truly a fan, grew up watching and/or playing, and have them explain every bit of it. Someone who is passionate about the game and whom it wouldn’t annoy to have to talk about the game.

Cricket, like football, or tennis, is a sport that as soon as I saw it being played I was hooked. It’s a beautiful and poetic game. It is gorgeous and lovely and precious and joyous game. 
© 2014 Kara Nelson

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Musician, writer, humorist, lover of language and puzzles, scholar, incessant searcher for knowledge, improv performer.